Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hurricane Matthew could help Zika fight : myfox8

As it stated in myfox8

Hurricane Matthew could help Zika fight

Hurricane Matthew could help Zika fight
Hurricane Matthew could help Zika fight
× Hurricane Matthew could help Zika fightHurricane Matthew started pounding the eastern coast of Florida as far south as Miami on Thursday afternoon.The storm has been described as historic and extremely dangerous.But there may be one benefit to the storm's torrential rains: It could put a temporary halt on the mosquitoes that spread the Zika virus.

additionally esquire

How Hurricane Matthew Could Make Zika Worse

How Hurricane Matthew Could Make Zika Worse
How Hurricane Matthew Could Make Zika Worse
There is going to be no news at all for the next couple days except for whatever Hurricane Matthew does to Florida and the southeastern coast of the United States.The presidential campaign is going to go under in the media storm surge, as very likely will the second presidential debate Sunday night in St. Louis.It's been almost 4000 days since a major hurricane made landfall in the United States and so the cable news people have had that much time to devise new logos and scary theme music.

let alone miamiherald

Hurricane Matthew raises risk of Zika as mosquitoes breed

Hurricane Matthew raises risk of Zika as mosquitoes breed
Hurricane Matthew raises risk of Zika as mosquitoes breed
16:35 Full body-cam video released in Keith Lamont Scott shooting Pause0:46 LAPD releases video showing man holding what appears to be gun before police shooting0:40 Driver hits deer, deer attacks driver, revenge caught on video0:34 Pregnant manatee found in Cape Cod heading back to Florida1:14 Man wears every piece of trash he generates for 30 days1:37 NJ train crash witness speaks from scene0:43 Huge shark hauled in off coast of Hilton Head0:35 Curious lemurs investigate camera0:21 Man caught on video sucker-punching woman

besides refinery29

Hurricane Matthew Florida Zika Problem Worse

Hurricane Matthew Florida Zika Problem Worse
Hurricane Matthew Florida Zika Problem Worse
As if those in the path of Hurricane Matthew didn't already have enough to worry about, Florida residents have been warned that the storm could make the state's Zika problem even worse.Florida is already the epicenter of the Zika virus in the United States.It is the only state that has reported local transmission of the virus, meaning that it is spreading via local mosquito populations, rather than just brought in by those who contracted it elsewhere.Despite announcements from Florida Governor Rick Scott that the virus is under control, new cases continue to be reported.According to The Atlantic , not only does Hurricane Matthew have the potential to complicate current attempts to stop the spread of the virus, post-storm conditions like standing water are literally the ideal breeding ground for the mosquitoes that spread the illness."So in the first wave of wind, heavy rains, and storm surge—it could even have a beneficial effect in terms of washing away mosquito breeding sites," Peter Hotez, a pediatrician and the dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College, told The Atlantic, "but then as the waters recede, it could leave residual reservoirs of water in human-made containers that could breed Aedes aegypti."The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the culprit behind Zika, dengue fever, yellow fever, and other diseases.But standing water is only part of the problem.Inferior housing is also a factor: following large storms, many people live in damaged homes during the recovery period or end up waiting outside for long periods of time during evacuation.The spike in West Nile Cases following Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was so substantial — the Centers for Disease Control found a 50 percent increase in cases of the West Nile Virus, despite a decline in the area's population — that scientists are calling for additional research on the link between hurricanes and diseases spread by mosquitoes.Unfortunately, there's no way to know for sure if the storm will lead to more Zika cases.

not to mention thestate

As Hurricane Matthew moves out, Zika could move in

As Hurricane Matthew moves out, Zika could move in
As Hurricane Matthew moves out, Zika could move in
1:25Some SC residents moving from shelter to shelter after Hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew raises risk of Zika as mosquitoes breed

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