Tuesday, October 11, 2016

How the Zika Virus Could Make Its Way North : newsweek

as informed in newsweek

How the Zika Virus Could Make Its Way North

How the Zika Virus Could Make Its Way North
How the Zika Virus Could Make Its Way North
Laboratory tests show that a cold-tolerant mosquito known as Culex quinquefasciatus can be infected with Zika virus in the laboratory.If confirmed in the field, it would be a troubling development, suggesting the virus would be more difficult to control, and might be able to spread far north of Florida and the Caribbean.Culex mosquitoes are not currently targeted for control; the fight against Zika has focused on eradicating Aedes aegypti, an invasive mosquito found throughout tropical and subtropical regions worldwide and which is primarily blamed for the virus's outbreak in Brazil and its spread through parts of south Florida.

in addition voanews

Evidence Mounting Zika Virus Causes Paralytic Disease

Evidence Mounting Zika Virus Causes Paralytic Disease
Evidence Mounting Zika Virus Causes Paralytic Disease
Researchers have discovered the strongest evidence yet linking the Zika virus to the paralytic illness Guillain-Barre syndrome.During the height of the viral epidemic the incidence of Guillain-Barre was 100 times the number of cases usually seen.Guillain-Barre is a normally rare condition that affects the peripheral nervous system, the nerves in arms and legs that are responsible for sensation and movement.

not to mention forbes

Zika Virus Strongly Linked To Deadly Guillain-Barré Syndrome In New Study

Zika Virus Strongly Linked To Deadly Guillain-Barré Syndrome In New Study
Zika Virus Strongly Linked To Deadly Guillain-Barré Syndrome In New Study

furthermore jamanetwork

Zika Virus 6 Months Later

Zika Virus 6 Months Later
Zika Virus 6 Months Later
On January 15, 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised pregnant women not to travel to areas where the Zika virus was spreading.Six months later, more than 60 countries or territories have reported new local transmission of Zika.By August 4, 2016, nearly 1700 cases of travel-associated Zika infection, including 479 in pregnant women, had been reported in the continental United States; Puerto Rico is experiencing rapid and extensive spread of the epidemic.1 Florida has documented 5 symptomatic and 8 asymptomatic locally acquired Zika infections in a 6-block area north of downtown Miami.

let alone stluciatimes

Chief Medical Officer provide updat on Zika Virus Disease

Chief Medical Officer provide updat on Zika Virus Disease
Chief Medical Officer provide updat on Zika Virus Disease
The Ministry of Health and Wellness has noted a decreasing trend in the number of cases of Zika Virus Disease.The disease which was first confirmed in Saint Lucia earlier this year, reached a peak towards the middle of June 2016 and has been decreasing ever since.However, evidence of new infections of Zika Virus Disease continues with occasional spikes in the number of cases.

Zika Virus Strongly Linked To Deadly Guillain-Barré Syndrome In New Study

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