Monday, October 3, 2016

HIV Cure Found? : i4u

as mentioned in i4u

HIV Cure Found?

HIV Cure Found?
HIV Cure Found?
A British male may be the world's first human being to be cured of the AIDS virus.This was made possible thanks to a team of researchers that hailed from five universities in the UK.How To: Buy a Pokemon Go PlusThe man is in his middle age and he is part of an experiment in which 49 other people like him are receiving treatment for the deadly HIV infection.

additionally newser

An HIV Cure May Be Close

An HIV Cure May Be Close
An HIV Cure May Be Close
(Newser) – The first results of a study out of the UK are raising the tantalizing possibility that researchers have figured not just how to treat HIV but how to actually cure it.The first of 50 patients to undergo the experimental therapy, a 44-year-old British social worker, has no detectable traces of the virus in his blood, reports the Sunday Times.The team of scientists from the UK's leading universities say it's way too early to claim success, but they're clearly optimistic.

coupled with huffingtonpost

HIV Cure Close After Experimental Treatment Makes Virus 'Undetectable' In U.K. Patient

HIV Cure Close After Experimental Treatment Makes Virus 'Undetectable' In U.K. Patient
HIV Cure Close After Experimental Treatment Makes Virus 'Undetectable' In U.K. Patient
ADVERTISEMENTBritish scientists have reportedly removed the HIV infection from a 44-year-old man with a potentially groundbreaking new cure treatment.The Sunday Times reports "it is the first therapy created to track down and destroy HIV in every part of the body — including in the dormant cells that evade current treatments."Computer artwork of HIV particles in the bloodstream.

HIV Cure Close After Experimental Treatment Makes Virus 'Undetectable' In U.K. Patient

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