Tuesday, October 11, 2016

DNA of black widow spider toxin found in virus genome : upi

according to upi

DNA of black widow spider toxin found in virus genome

DNA of black widow spider toxin found in virus genome
DNA of black widow spider toxin found in virus genome
NASHVILLE, Oct. 11 (UPI) -- A tiny virus called Wolbachia has managed to infect nearly half of all arthropod species.When a pair of scientists at Vanderbilt University sequenced the virus' genome, they found the DNA of the toxin used by black widow spiders, one of the virus' hosts."Discovering DNA related to the black widow spider toxin gene came as a total surprise because it is the first time that a phage -- a virus that infects bacteria -- has been found carrying animal-like DNA," Seth Bordenstein, an associate professor of biological sciences, said in a news release.

by the same token on weau

Deadly virus found in Chippewa County

Deadly virus found in Chippewa County
Deadly virus found in Chippewa County
A deadly disease transmitted through mosquitoes has been found in the Chippewa Valley.Eastern equine encephalitis, or EEE for short, was found in a horse in Chippewa County.While there hasn't been a human case of the EEE virus found in the State of Wisconsin since 2011, the virus is alive and if you or your animals contract it, it can have potential life-threatening effects for you or your animals.

as well cosmosmagazine

Black widow spider genes found in bacteria-infecting virus

Black widow spider genes found in bacteria-infecting virus
Black widow spider genes found in bacteria-infecting virus
A black widow spider spinning a web.These creatures can be infected by bacteria which, in turn, are infected by viruses.Mark Kostich / Getty ImagesA virus that only infects bacteria has been found sharing genes with animals, including the black widow spider, according to a new study.

Black widow spider genes found in bacteria-infecting virus

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