Monday, October 3, 2016

British scientists nearing HIV cure : wlwt

as informed in wlwt

British scientists nearing HIV cure

British scientists nearing HIV cure
British scientists nearing HIV cure
Disease seems to 'vanish' from blood of British manA British man who suffers from HIV could be the first person in the world cured of the disease with the help of a groundbreaking new therapy.AdvertisementScientists said the virus disappeared from the man's blood.The 44-year-old man is the first of 50 people to complete a trial of the new therapy that is designed to eliminate the virus, which targets the disease even when it's in its dormant state.

as well panarmenian

HIV researchers edge closer to a cure

HIV researchers edge closer to a cure
HIV researchers edge closer to a cure
PanARMENIAN.Net - Most recent news on the fight against HIV has focused on preventative medicine and suppression, but British scientists might be inching toward an honest-to-goodness cure, Engadget said.A 44-year-old social worker in London appears to be completely free of the virus after undergoing an experimental "kick and kill" treatment as part of a trial.The patient first took a vaccine to help his immune system detect infected cells, and then took Vorinostat to activate dormant infected cells that normally don't get caught.

in like manner brecorder

Scientist claims to find cure of HIV AIDS

Scientist claims to find cure of HIV AIDS
Scientist claims to find cure of HIV AIDS
The HIVAIDS remains world most dreaded disease, as it has claimed lives of millions of people particularly in the poor regions, and is also considered to be incurable.Not for long as a British man may have become the first person in the world to be cured of HIV.Thanks to an ongoing pioneering treatment, the 44-year-old patient opined that he had shown "remarkable" progress under the therapy, reported The Sunday Times.

let alone rt

British HIV patient on cusp of historic cure in world first — RT UK

British HIV patient on cusp of historic cure in world first — RT UK
British HIV patient on cusp of historic cure in world first — RT UK
A British man is on the brink of becoming the first person in the world to be cured of HIV with the virus no longer present in his system following a clinical trial."It would be great if a cure has happened.My last blood test was a couple of weeks ago and there is no detectable virus," the unnamed 44-year-old patient told The Times, marking what could be a hopeful future for the 37 million people infected worldwide.

coupled with netdoctor

UK breakthrough gives new hope for HIV cure

UK breakthrough gives new hope for HIV cure
UK breakthrough gives new hope for HIV cure
A British man may have become the world's first person to be 'cured' of HIV, after a new therapy has seen the virus seemingly disappear from his blood.If the disease remains undetectable, this breakthrough could offer hope to the 37 million people worldwide – 100,000 of which are UK citizens – that suffer from the as-yet incurable condition.ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOWA team of scientists from five universities (Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, University College London and King's College London) designed the new two-part treatment, involving a vaccine to help the body recognise the HIV-infected cells and also a drug that activates the dormant cells so that they may be spotted.

British HIV patient on cusp of historic cure in world first — RT UK

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