Sunday, October 9, 2016

British scientists hopeful for HIV cure : thetimes

as declared in thetimes

British scientists hopeful for HIV cure

British scientists hopeful for HIV cure
British scientists hopeful for HIV cure
A British man with HIV hopes to become the first in the world to be cured of the disease by using a pioneer­ing new therapy designed to eradicate the virus.The 44-year-old is the first of 50 people to complete a trial of the ambitious treatment, designed by scientists and doctors from five of Britain's leading universities.It is the first therapy created to track down and destroy HIV in every part of the body — including in the dormant cells that evade current treatments.

moreover from bbc

Why talk of a cure for HIV is premature

Why talk of a cure for HIV is premature
Why talk of a cure for HIV is premature
Image copyright SPLBeware of headlines which suggest scientists are "on the brink of HIV cure", or "HIV cure close".They grab the attention - which is of course the aim of a headline - but talk of a breakthrough is premature.The Sunday Times reported that a British man with HIV was receiving a prototype therapy designed to eradicate the virus from his body.

additionally newatlas

"Kick and kill" HIV cure showing promise

"Kick and kill" HIV cure showing promise

In 2014, a multi-university team of researchers in the UK undertook a search for the holy grail in HIV/AIDS treatment: a cure.At the time, they reported that the results from their "kick and kill" approach would be available in early 2017 but, as recently reported in The Sunday Times, it seems as though they're a bit ahead of schedule.The HIV virus has completely vanished from the bloodstream of a 44-year-old man who is one of 50 people who participated in the trial.

"Kick and kill" HIV cure showing promise


1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I was diagnosed of this HIV deadly disease. a friend of mine introduce Dr peter to me and I actually did contact
    him after he has prepare the herbal medicine he sent it to me and I used it according to his prescription after one
    week I went to the hospital to check my status again because I was feeling differently from the way I tested
    POSITIVE before, to my greatest surprise the status was HIV NEGATIVE the medical doctors there was surprise and I
    have to tell the whole world about this if you are still having this similar problem I recommend you to dr peter
    his email is you can call dr PETER ,OR Whatsapp hem on this very number

