Thursday, September 15, 2016

Zika Virus not officially called an STD : stluciatimes

As it stated in stluciatimes

Zika Virus not officially called an STD

Zika Virus not officially called an STD
Zika Virus not officially called an STD
Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Sharon Belmar-George clarified, that though sexual intercourse has been proven to be a mode of transmission for the Zika Virus, the main mode of transmission is the bite of an infected female Aedes aegypti Mosquito."The Centres for Disease Control have documented the presence of the Zika Virus in semen also in vaginal fluids and in lower levels in other fluids such as saliva and breast milk but transmission through semen and vaginal fluids are the two that have been confirmed to date.They have also confirmed transmission through male to female transmission, male to male transmission and also female to male transmission they have not documented up to this point female to female transmission."As with other diseases which can be transmitted sexually, Dr. George indicated that Ministry of Health continues to implore the public to engage in protected sex.

in addition thedailybeast

What's Worse: The Zika Virus or the Anti-Zika Spray?

What's Worse: The Zika Virus or the Anti-Zika Spray?
What's Worse: The Zika Virus or the Anti-Zika Spray?
LESSER OF TWO EVILS?Use of naled, a controversial Zika-fighting insecticide, has Miamians clinging to bad science.MIAMI BEACH — Wearing gas masks and holding signs that said "The Cure is Worse Than The Disease," Miami Beach residents marched outside city hall early Wednesday morning to protest the city's aerial spraying of naled, a pesticide intended to kill Zika-carrying mosquitoes.

let alone go

Zika Virus Found in Eyes of Adult Patients, Study Finds

Zika Virus Found in Eyes of Adult Patients, Study Finds
Zika Virus Found in Eyes of Adult Patients, Study Finds
The Zika virus has been found in fluid around the eyes of some patients, shedding new light on how the virus affects healthy adults, according to a study published today in Journal for the American Medical Association Ophthalmology.The eyes of six patients infected in South America were swabbed by researchers from the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Public Health in China.When they tested their eye fluids, they found Zika virus RNA.

in addition nbcsandiego

South Park Residents Concerned Over Pesticide Spraying for Zika Virus

South Park Residents Concerned Over Pesticide Spraying for Zika Virus
South Park Residents Concerned Over Pesticide Spraying for Zika Virus
Tempers flared during a community meeting in the South Park neighborhood of San Diego on Tuesday over concerns regarding mosquito pesticide spraying in the area.NBC 7's Candice Nguyen reports.(Published Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016)Tempers flared during a community meeting in the South Park neighborhood of San Diego on Tuesday over concerns regarding mosquito pesticide spraying in the area.

South Park Residents Concerned Over Pesticide Spraying for Zika Virus

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