Thursday, September 15, 2016

Tests confirm two more travelers infected with Zika virus : ky3

as declared in ky3

Tests confirm two more travelers infected with Zika virus

Tests confirm two more travelers infected with Zika virus
Tests confirm two more travelers infected with Zika virus
Zika continues to pop up in Missourians traveling in Latin America.The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services confirmed two cases of Zika virus found in one pregnant woman and one non-pregnant woman.Both had been to areas where Zika virus is being transmitted locally, specifically Mexico and Nicaragua.

not to mention hollandsentinel

9 Ottawa County residents among 53 Michiganders testing positive for Zika virus

9 Ottawa County residents among 53 Michiganders testing positive for Zika virus
9 Ottawa County residents among 53 Michiganders testing positive for Zika virus
Nine Ottawa County residents have tested positive for Zika virus after traveling internationally this year.Nine Ottawa County residents have tested positive for Zika virus after traveling internationally this year.The nine residents are among 53 Michiganders that have tested positive for Zika virus in 2016, said Jennifer Eisner, spokeswoman for the state health department.

in addition newsday

Congress dawdles while Zika virus rages

Congress dawdles while Zika virus rages
Congress dawdles while Zika virus rages
If you want to understand why many Americans have a deep distrust and dislike of government, consider Congress' reaction to the Zika crisis.Or, should we say, its non-reaction to the Zika crisis.Instead of responding decisively, Democrats and Republicans alike have played rank partisan politics to such an extent that Congress has abrogated one of its fundamental responsibilities: to protect the public health.

coupled with aol

How one Utah man contracted the Zika virus remains a mystery

How one Utah man contracted the Zika virus remains a mystery
How one Utah man contracted the Zika virus remains a mystery
Experts with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have concluded their investigation into an "unusual" case of Zika in Utah, but still do not know how the man, who was exposed to no known means of transmission, contracted the virus.The man had not traveled to a hotspot, nor had he engaged in sexual intercourse with an infected person.SEE ALSO: Two students in California may have leprosyHowever, he did care for an elderly "family contact" suffering from a particularly robust and ultimately fatal Zika infection.

9 Ottawa County residents among 53 Michiganders testing positive for Zika virus

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