Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Swine Flu Vax and Birth Defects: No Causality : medpagetoday

As it stated in medpagetoday

Swine Flu Vax and Birth Defects: No Causality

Swine Flu Vax and Birth Defects: No Causality
Swine Flu Vax and Birth Defects: No Causality
Action Points Children of women who during pregnancy received a vaccine developed for the swine flu pandemic strain of influenza had no greater risk of congenital malformations than children of unvaccinated women, according to a large Swedish study.Note that risk increases for specific malformations could not be ruled out completely, and because the study was based on live births, there may have been missed data on congenital anomalies in miscarriages, induced abortions or stillbirths.Children of women who received a vaccine for the swine flu pandemic strain of influenza during pregnancy had no greater risk of congenital malformations than children of unvaccinated women, a large Swedish cohort study found.

furthermore forbes

A Sex Hormone In Birth Control May Protect Women From The Flu

A Sex Hormone In Birth Control May Protect Women From The Flu
A Sex Hormone In Birth Control May Protect Women From The Flu

let alone glamour

Birth Control Could Help in Recovering From the Flu

Birth Control Could Help in Recovering From the Flu
Birth Control Could Help in Recovering From the Flu
Flu season is upon us, which means it's probably a good idea to get a flu shot and protect yourself against germs.But if you still end up falling ill despite your best efforts, here's one possible way to keep symptoms at bay: take your birth control.A recent study in PLOS Pathogens suggests that progesterone, a hormone in most hormonal birth control methods like the pill and IUDs, reduces lung inflammation and helps your lungs repair themselves.

in like manner immortal

Swine Flu Vaccine Does Not Cause Birth Defects, Study Says

Swine Flu Vaccine Does Not Cause Birth Defects, Study Says
Swine Flu Vaccine Does Not Cause Birth Defects, Study Says
There's some good news for pregnant women.Swedish researchers say that the H1N1 "swine flu" vaccine, named Pandemrix, does not cause any birth defects.Experts who reviewed the study agree, saying that these findings should ease concerns women still might have about this particular immunization.

A Sex Hormone In Birth Control May Protect Women From The Flu

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