Monday, September 19, 2016

Should I get the flu jab? Our expert's guide to the vaccination : thesun

according to thesun

Should I get the flu jab? Our expert's guide to the vaccination

Should I get the flu jab? Our expert's guide to the vaccination
Should I get the flu jab? Our expert's guide to the vaccination
Last year's ineffective flu vaccine did nothing to boost public confidence - but our expert says it could still save your lifeFLU claimed 28,000 extra lives last year after an unusual mutation made the routine jab largely ineffective.The main strain changed unexpectedly, so the vaccine was effective in just a third of adults.It usually protects around half.

coupled with greenbaypressgazette

When is the right time to get flu shot?

When is the right time to get flu shot?
When is the right time to get flu shot?
Person receiving a vaccine (Photo: Getty Images)GREEN BAY - Fall is just getting started and winter may be months away, but advertisements urging people to get their flu shots have begun popping up at drug stores everywhere.Is now really the right time to get vaccinated, though?Most medical professionals agree it is better to get the flu shot than not to get one.

coupled with dailynews

Should you wait to get your flu shot? Some say yes

Should you wait to get your flu shot? Some say yes
Should you wait to get your flu shot? Some say yes
Convenience is touted.So are incentives: CVS offers a 20-percent-off shopping pass for everyone who gets a shot, while Walgreens donates toward international vaccination efforts.The start of flu season is still weeks — if not months — away.

Should I get the flu jab? Our expert's guide to the vaccination

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