Monday, September 19, 2016

NHS England warned against ‘divide and rule’ tactics over claims HIV drugs deprive cancer patients · PinkNews : pinknews

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NHS England warned against 'divide and rule' tactics over claims HIV drugs deprive cancer patients · PinkNews

NHS England warned against 'divide and rule' tactics over claims HIV drugs deprive cancer patients · PinkNews
NHS England warned against 'divide and rule' tactics over claims HIV drugs deprive cancer patients · PinkNews
Healthcare groups have warned NHS England not to pit patients against eachother, after the body fuelled claims that HIV-preventing drugs would deprive cancer patients of treatment.NHS England is currently embroiled in a legal battle with an HIV charity over the commissioning of HIV-preventing Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis drugs, which can reduce risk of HIV transmission by as much as 99 percent.The story has led to a string of questionable stories in the press – with the Daily Mail had claimed PrEP drugs are a "promiscuity pill" with a "skewed sense of values", while the Times claimed PrEP would rob children with cystic fibrosis and cancer of vital care.

in addition news-medical

Researchers develop innovative technique for detecting HIV hiding places in infected patients

Researchers develop innovative technique for detecting HIV hiding places in infected patients
Researchers develop innovative technique for detecting HIV hiding places in infected patients
Discovery of a novel, advanced technique to identify the rare cells where human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) hides in patients taking antiretroviral therapy (ART).This is an important step forward in the search for a HIV/AIDS cure.Why wake up the virus?

besides dailymail

Cancer patients claim they are being refused life-saving treatment over HIV drug

Cancer patients claim they are being refused life-saving treatment over HIV drug
Cancer patients claim they are being refused life-saving treatment over HIV drug
Three cancer patients claim they are being refused life-saving treatment because the NHS is saving up to pay for a controversial HIV drug.All suffer from the rare blood cancer Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, which affects 4,000 Britons and can only be cured by stem cell transplants.They have each been told by doctors that the treatment has been suspended to ensure there is sufficient funding for the HIV drug.

NHS England warned against 'divide and rule' tactics over claims HIV drugs deprive cancer patients · PinkNews

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