Saturday, September 17, 2016

Common contraceptive hormone could protect women from flu : telegraph

as mentioned in telegraph

Common contraceptive hormone could protect women from flu

Common contraceptive hormone could protect women from flu
Common contraceptive hormone could protect women from flu
The researchers are now calling for further investigations to establish whether women taking progesterone-based contraception, of whom there are an estimated 100 million worldwide, are enjoying unexpected protection from flu while on the pillDr Sabra Klein, who lead the study, which is published in the journal PLOS Pathogens, said: "Understanding the role that progesterone appears to play in repairing lung cells could really be important for women's health."When women go on birth control, they don't generally think about the health implications beyond stopping ovulation and it's important to consider them."Despite the staggering number of women who take this kind of birth control, very few studies are out there that evaluate the impact of contraceptives on how the body responds to infections beyond sexually transmitted diseases," she added.

moreover from sciencedaily

Female sex hormone may protect women from worst effects of the flu -- ScienceDaily

Female sex hormone may protect women from worst effects of the flu -- ScienceDaily
Female sex hormone may protect women from worst effects of the flu -- ScienceDaily
In mouse studies, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have found that progesterone - a female sex hormone contained in most forms of hormone-based birth control - appears to stave off the worst effects of influenza infection and, in an unexpected finding, help damaged lung cells to heal more quickly.The findings, published Sept. 15 in PLOS Pathogens, suggest that sex hormones have an effect far beyond the reproductive system and that progesterone may one day be a viable flu treatment for women.The World Health Organization reports that more than 100 million young adult women around the world are on progesterone-based contraception.

coupled with medicalnewstoday

Female hormone found to fight flu damage

Female hormone found to fight flu damage
Female hormone found to fight flu damage
Researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland recently made a surprise discovery during a mouse trial: progesterone appears to reduce the symptoms of influenza infection and help lungs heal at a faster rate.Results from a recent experiment show that progesterone may help fix lung damage.Results from a recent experiment show that progesterone may help fix lung damage.

Female sex hormone may protect women from worst effects of the flu -- ScienceDaily

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