Thursday, September 15, 2016

Biologist Hopes His Rap Video Will Spread Faster Than Zika : uproxx

as informed in uproxx

Biologist Hopes His Rap Video Will Spread Faster Than Zika

Biologist Hopes His Rap Video Will Spread Faster Than Zika
Biologist Hopes His Rap Video Will Spread Faster Than Zika
Share This Video Facebook Twitter EMAILSeems like every year there's some new virus we should be very afraid of.The media often repeats the tagline for The Fly: : "Be afraid, be very afraid." First there was Ebola and now we've got Zika.While the virus is serious, there needs to be more awareness of it and less gloom and doom.

besides nymag

Mosquito Biologist MC BuggZ Makes Zika Rap Video

Mosquito Biologist MC BuggZ Makes Zika Rap Video
Mosquito Biologist MC BuggZ Makes Zika Rap Video
Andy Lima is a mosquito biologist for Fairfax County, Virginia, who likes to rap — about his job.He goes by MC BuggZ online (though his YouTube handle is EntoGeek, but I digress).He recently dropped an extremely fire track that educates people about the Zika virus.

coupled with patch

VIDEO: Zika Rap Song Created by Fairfax County Biologist

VIDEO: Zika Rap Song Created by Fairfax County Biologist
VIDEO: Zika Rap Song Created by Fairfax County Biologist
FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA -- Worried about the Zika virus?Sit back and take a listen to a rap video from a Fairfax County biologist who is spreading the word about how to prevent Zika.The biologist, Andy Lima, aka MC Bugg-Z, is getting the word out about the Zika virus with his rap song he posted to YouTube.

Biologist Hopes His Rap Video Will Spread Faster Than Zika

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