Thursday, February 23, 2017

Genital herpes in pregnancy tied to higher risk of autism in boys according to : IBT

Women infected with genital herpes during pregnancy have higher chances of giving birth to baby boys suffering from autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a study has shown. Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). The study's authors say other pathogens should be tested in future to see if the results with the herpes virus can be replicated. However, more research, with a larger amount of data is needed before scientists can reach a definite conclusion about the role of immune response. But their data suggested that higher levels of antibodies are associated with a risk of ASD", McAlonan said.

Genital herpes in pregnancy tied to higher risk of autism in boys
Babies whose mothers had signs of active genital herpes infection during early pregnancy may be twice at risk for developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) later, say researchers. Herpes simplex virus-2 could be one of any number of infectious agents involved," added W. Ian Lipkin, Director at Columbia University. The research showed an association between maternal anti-herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) antibodies and risk for autism in children. Genital herpes is a highly contagious virus and lifelong infection that usually spread through sex. For the study, appearing in the journal mSphere, the team examined blood samples from 412 mothers of children diagnosed with autism and 463 mothers of children without autism.

Genital herpes in pregnancy may raise autism risk for offspring

Researchers suggest a link between active HSV-2 in early pregnancy and autism risk in offspring. High levels of antibodies to the other four pathogens were not associated with ASD risk in offspring. Children born to mothers who have active genital herpes during pregnancy may be at twice the risk of developing autism spectrum disorder, new research suggests. Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection primarily caused by herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). Recent studies have suggested a link between immune responses to infections during pregnancy and increased risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in offspring.

collected by :Lucy William
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1 comment:

  1. PLEASE  DON'T IGNORE AND READ HOW I WAS CURED FROM HERPES VIRUS .  this is a life witness of the cure to this virus, is not longer a story to me or a rumors, i was once told that there is a cure  for HERPES VIRUS but i did not believe until my friend gave a try of the herbal medicine and it work perfectly  well for him and i witness the doctor report after taking the herbal medicine, the doctor said that there is not trace of herpes virus in his blood system , i was shock and i order mine and it was deliver to me by DHL, which i took as was prescribe  and am perfectly free from it by doctor confirmation report. Doctor Mohammend email, whatsapp / call +2349036036397. i can boldly say that there is a cure for this virus with full assurance and confident
