deathly yellow fever threatens South Florida after Zika virus scare

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deathly yellow fever threatens South Florida after Zika virus scare

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Deadly yellow fever threatens South Florida after Zika scare

Mosquitoes which tote Zika virus can bring deadlier yellow fever this year

according to Yellow fever could kill. generality people infective by yellow fever going to get Signs Extremely minor they won't realize they have been infective. South Florida officials are hopeful that the stepped-up mosquito control efforts indeed underway here to curb Zika virus going to help contain any possibility yellow fever outbreak. Yellow fever & Zika virus are toted by the same Aedes aegypti mosquito, that could too transmit dengue fever & chikungunya. "There is none initially stopping the body from hosting the virus."generality people in the U.S. haven't been vaccinated for yellow fever because it is Extremely rare.

collected by :Lucy William