Saturday, December 24, 2016

Zika Virus Sexually Transmitted according to : itechpost

This was collected by Lucy William

We will quote to you the news of the best health sites Like : "itechpost" and the most famous medical experts : Itech Post

daily : 2016-12-24 & on time : 13:17

according to

Zika Virus Sexually Transmitted

Zika Virus Sexually Transmitted
image uploaded by "itechpost" site
Zika Virus Sexually Transmitted: More Evidence SuggestsZika fever was previously thought to be transmitted solely by being bitten by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.However, recent studies link stronger ties that Zika virus sexually transmitted is also a possibility and must not be overlooked.The infectious disease known as Zika is a relatively low-grade infection, when present.

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New Zika Findings Reveal How Virus Does Its Damage

New Zika Findings Reveal How Virus Does Its Damage
image uploaded by "sci-tech-today" site
New Zika Findings Reveal How Virus Does Its DamageIn the blood of a patient infected with Zika, researchers have found key proteins that could help them create medicines and vaccines to fight the rapidly spreading virus.A study published Wednesday in the journal Science Translational Medicine describes two antibodies that were able to "eliminate" samples of the Zika virus when tested in laboratory dishes.When the researchers gave either of the antibodies to mice that had been deliberately infected with Zika, the animals "were completely protected against ZIKV infection," according to the study.
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Texas has first case of locally transmitted Zika Virus

Texas has first case of locally transmitted Zika Virus
image uploaded by "jacksonvilleprogress" site
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