Friday, December 23, 2016

Ebola Vaccine Thought to Give 100% Protection according to : valuewalk

This was collected by Lucy William

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daily : 2016-12-23 & on time : 21:31

according to

Ebola Vaccine Is 100% Effective After 10 Days In WHO Trial

Ebola Vaccine Is 100% Effective After 10 Days In WHO Trial
image uploaded by "valuewalk" site
An international group of researchers associated with the World Health Organization published its final report on the Ebola vaccine trial in Guinea, finding that the vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent Ebola infection.They report the vaccine is 100 percent effective at preventing Ebola when given 10 or more days prior to exposure to the deadly virus.The study findings were published in The Lancet.
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Ebola Vaccine Thought to Give 100% Protection

Ebola Vaccine Thought to Give 100% Protection
image uploaded by "cw33" site
Please enable Javascript to watch this videoLIVERPOOL, UNITED KINGDOM -- It's a major victory in the fight against Ebola, and it might actually be a fatal blow for the virus.That's because an experimental vaccine was found to be 100% effective, according to the medical journal - The Lancet.The vaccine was given to over 5,000 people in Guinea who were in close contact with patients who had the disease, and none of them ever got Ebola.
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New Ebola Vaccine Proves to Be 100% Effective

New Ebola Vaccine Proves to Be 100% Effective
image uploaded by "futurism" site
Forty years after the first Ebola virus outbreak, it looks like we've finally developed a vaccine that provides a high degree of protection against this deadly hemorrhagic fever that kills an average of 50 percent of those who contract it.Just yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the results of a test of newly developed vaccine rVSV-ZEBOV.According their their findings published in the journal The Lancet, none of the nearly 6,000 individuals vaccinated with rVSV-ZEBOV in Guinea, a country with more than 3,000 confirmed cases of Ebola, showed any signs of contracting the disease.

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