Monday, September 19, 2016

Alternative vaccine available for people allergic to flu shots : abc7chicago

according to abc7chicago

Alternative vaccine available for people allergic to flu shots

Alternative vaccine available for people allergic to flu shots
Alternative vaccine available for people allergic to flu shots
Like football games and warm coats, the flu shot is part of the fall ritual for millions of Americans.But there are people who actually may be allergic to them.It takes less than 10 seconds, then it's over.Unless you're someone who is allergic to flu shots.

moreover from startribune

Nasal spray not recommended for flu vaccine this year

Nasal spray not recommended for flu vaccine this year
Nasal spray not recommended for flu vaccine this year
Sorry, little one, this news is going to pinch for a couple of seconds: This year's flu vaccine will probably have to come in the form of a shot, not those two little puffs up the nose.Because when it comes to preventing the misery of the flu, that nasal spray vaccine has proved to be a bit of a flop.No, the adults don't really know why.

by the same token on wjhg

Experts recommend kids stick to the traditional flu vaccine this year

Experts recommend kids stick to the traditional flu vaccine this year
Experts recommend kids stick to the traditional flu vaccine this year
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) strongly recommends children under 18 to get the traditional flu shot instead of the flu mist nasal spray this year.The nose spray has the live virus, and according to the Department of Health, doctors originally thought it would give people more protection.Experts say children who got the spray last year didn't have immunity against the flu they should have had.

Experts recommend kids stick to the traditional flu vaccine this year

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