Monday, September 19, 2016

13th Zika virus infection confirmed in Korea : koreatimes

as informed in koreatimes

13th Zika virus infection confirmed in Korea

13th Zika virus infection confirmed in Korea
13th Zika virus infection confirmed in Korea
The man, whose identity is withheld, is presumed to have gotten a mosquito bite during his stay in the Southeast Asian nation from Sept. 2-13, the KCDC said.He remains in stable condition and is currently receiving an additional test at a Seoul hospital, KCDC officials said.His case, which took place four days after the latest infection, raises the number of Zika patients in South Korea to 13.

in addition paho

Case control study shows causal relationship between Zika infection in pregnancy and microcephaly in newborns

Case control study shows causal relationship between Zika infection in pregnancy and microcephaly in newborns
Case control study shows causal relationship between Zika infection in pregnancy and microcephaly in newborns
Brasilia/Washington, September 15, 2016 (PAHO/WHO)—The microcephaly epidemic reported in Brazil in 2015 is the result of congenital Zika virus infection from mother to child, according to a preliminary case-control study by the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group (MERG), published today in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal.The study is titled "Association between Zika Virus infection and microcephaly in Brazil, January to May 2016: Preliminary report of a case control study."The authors say, "This preliminary analysis shows a strong association between microcephaly and laboratory conformation of Zika virus infection." They add that the study "is the first to estimate the seroprevalence of Zika virus infection in pregnant women in an epidemic area in Brazil."The authors also recommend "that we prepare for a global epidemic of microcephaly and other manifestations of congenital Zika syndrome."The research analyzed 32 cases of children born with microcephaly and 62 controls, or children without microcephaly, born the day after the birth of the case and in the same area in eight public hospitals in Recife, Pernambuco, between January and May this year.MERG is a group of experts from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Aggeu Magalhães Research Center (Fiocruz / CPqAM) in Pernambuco, Brazil's Ministry of Health, the Professor Fernando Figueira Integrative Medicine Institute (IMIP), the Federal University of Pernambuco, the Secretary of Health of Pernambuco, the University of Pernambuco, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO).

coupled with pharmacist

Association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly

Association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly
Association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly
A research team from Brazil has reported preliminary results of a case-control study investigating the association between microcephaly and Zika virus infection during pregnancy.The study, conducted in eight public hospitals in Recife, Brazil, included 32 neonates with microcephaly (cases) and 62 neonates without microcephaly (controls) between January and May 2016.According to the data, 80% of 30 mothers of cases had Zika virus infection, compared with 64% of 61 mothers of controls.

Case control study shows causal relationship between Zika infection in pregnancy and microcephaly in newborns

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